Sunday, February 12, 2017

Guess What

Guess what this post is about.

Go on. Guess.


My guide to revision:

Step 1: Mark the changes I want to make in purple pen on a printed copy of the book. The purple pen is very important.

Step 2: Make those changes in the document on my computer. 

Step 3a: Cry. 

Step 3b: Consider never writing again because why should I do something that makes me want to knock myself unconscious on my desk?

Step 3c: Wonder whether I'm wasting my life getting a degree in Creative Writing.

Step 3d: Decide that having the will and tenacity to finish a novel translates well into other ares of my life and stop crying.

Step 3e: If it's morning, get more coffee. If it's afternoon, get more coffee. If it's night, just go to bed out of frustrated exhaustion.

Step 4: Finish inputting the changes. Use my massive amount of print pages to print a new copy. I do this on the fourth floor of the library on a Friday so no one attacks me for using the printer to print 200+ pages.

Repeat steps 1-4 to achieve draft 3.

I finished Step 1 tonight. I had the lofty goal of finishing two revisions of this book before spring break. 

Pause for condescending laughter at my past self.

Yeah, that's not going to happen. I have other life things going on that are slightly more time-sensitive than revision so they have to take priority. But I am in a good place mentally right now and because of that, I find revision an enjoyable activity.

Does that mean I'm going to start on Step 2 tonight? Maybe. Probably not. I don't know. I haven't decided.

I have a test tomorrow, an essay due in a few weeks, never-ending reading, and joyful adult tasks to complete. 

Oh, and I also graduate from college three months from tomorrow.

I'm not freaking out. You're freaking out.

I'm stopping now. Good night.