Thursday, July 17, 2014

Page One

Why on earth am I writing this?

That is the question that bounced around my head for a good ten minutes once I actually sat down at my computer to give this whole blogging thing a try. I have come up with a lot of reasons why I shouldn't try but I am going to do it anyway. 

There are two good reasons I have come up with to answer that question that I am hoping will be good reasons for you too, dear reader, if you are out there. First is that I have spent a great deal of time thinking about writing and how to do it. I decided I might as well write it down somewhere and a blog is as good a place as any. The second is that I have noticed when I tell people I am a writer, they either look at me as if I have something green between my teeth or ask me how/why I can voluntarily submit myself to do something most of the world despises. 

I can't do anything about the former reaction and answering the how/why I write is such a complex, confusing, maddening answer that it does not fit into conversation at dinner parties. Not that I go to dinner parties but if I did, the answer wouldn't definitely belong there. So that is why I am going to write these blog posts. I have no clue how many of you will actually be interested enough to keep reading but I hope if you do, you learn a little more about us crazies who call ourselves writers.

It is my opinion that the beginning of a story is the hardest part (except for the middle, the end, the revising, or whichever sentence I am struggling with at the moment). The first page can certainly feel the longest, unless you've been struck by the Magical Madness of Inspiration and are typing so fast you misspell words like 'must' and 'the'. Both of which, yes, I have done. But every story starts off with that blinking cursor on the blank page. There is nowhere for those page numbers and word count to go but up.

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