Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Writer's Block Type: Avoidance

Many, many things have been written about writer's block. Some claim it does not exist, it just a nicer name for laziness. Others claim it is very real and spend a great deal of time trying to figure out how to cure it. I find both of these ideas amusing because the solution is the same: START. WRITING. NOW.

Which is, of course, easier said than done. 

I am of the opinion that writing every day is not necessary (but then I haven't been published, so what the hell do I know) Well, I know that some days writing just has to wait because I have to go to class or study for a test or go to work folding bills to stuff into envelopes. Occasionally, it's for something slightly more fun (ie camping, going up to Table Rock, seeing a movie). But the point is, not writing every day is not the crime some people would have you believe it is. 

But lately, I've been doing everything in my power to avoid sitting down to work on my story (still untitled, which is endlessly frustrating to me). The operative word is that I have been avoiding it. My particular brand of writer's block is avoidance. 

It's not that I don't know what I want to write, or what I want to fix in my story. I have certainly spent a lot of time thinking about my characters and my plot. But I am having trouble with that whole 'sit your ass down and actually type words' bit.

I admit, it might be out of laziness. It is much easier to watch reruns of Sex and the City than it is to figure out how to redo dialogue. But really, if I am being honest with myself, it is because I am afraid. 

Having figured out that is the reason behind my avoidance, I sat down this morning and finished rewriting the opening scene. Is it great? No. Is it better than the original? Oh, dear God, yes.

I found this amusing, because it's kind of the opposite of my problem. My imaginary friends never shut that a problem?

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