Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April and Almost Being Done

The next two weeks for me in school are what I believe could be found in the dictionary as a description for 'hellish'. I have two big research papers due with five days of each other as well as a proposal for another research paper that requires me to have already read two of my sources due somewhere in between the full length papers. I'm training to run a distance farther than I have run in almost two years.

Oh, and my parents are coming to visit in the weekend in the middle of everything. Which means yummy food and my mom will probably buy me shoes (and what girl doesn't like new shoes?) and my dad will reassure me that going to law school isn't just signing up for another three years of hellish Aprils.

It would be easy to put my book on the back-burner for a little while. I've definitely accepted that about querying for B & G but I refuse to let that happen with the second book. Strange as it sounds, and as much as I can bitch about how hard it is, working on my book is one of the ways I manage my stress levels. 

But after these two weeks, my life in college gets a lot easier. Like, a lot. Yes, I still have finals to study for and yes, I still have to study for the LSAT on June 6, but those are spread out over a few weeks. So I know I can do it.

And after June 6, I'm done. Which means....it's almost time to start writing the final book in my trilogy. 

*cue trumpets*

Isn't that exciting? Honestly, I'm not as in awe as you might expect. In high school, I wrote a series of five books, so finishing three in the same series doesn't feel like a new experience for me.

Except that I have absolutely no idea where to start. Ever since I finished Black & Gold, I've been jotting down random ideas for the third book in various journals but that's not a plot. Yeah, I know the big things that happen and yes, I know how it ends. But everything else? I have only a vague idea.

The solution to that is to make an outline. Some authors are strict about outlines and others just sort of jump in and figure it out as they go along. I was the first kind of author for the second book and the second kind of author for the first book.

Three years ago, I had to write the outline for the fifth book in that series I mentioned. It took me being stuck on an airplane for three hours for me to actually get it done. And let me tell you, I spent a lot of time looking out the window at the clouds because I wanted to be doing anything else.

I'm hoping that's not what happens with this outline because I have no plane rides to force me to get it done. I also can't let myself start until after I take the LSAT, for a number of reasons, chief among them that the LSAT is just a little important. Actually, pretty damn important.

Once I finish this draft of the second book (which I'm in the middle of re-titling by the way), I'll start giving it to people to read. And I'll start writing the third book (only have half the title.)

Hot damn, we're almost to summer! 

See what I did there? No? Okay, I'll let myself out.

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