Monday, November 14, 2016

NaNo Week 2

November 14 goal: 23,338
Current word count: 30,0000

Favorite writing song from the week: Honestly, it's a tie between "Heartland (Long)" by Celtic Thunder and "Narcissistic Cannibal" by EarlyRise

Hardest thing about this week: I'm finally getting into my story and enjoying writing it but I've had to split my focus between the story and school, so I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would like to writing.

Easiest thing about this week: Around Thursday I hit my stride and suddenly 1,667 words doesn't take me two+ hours to trudge through and that's made it a lot easier. I can just sit down and crank through 1600-1900 words usually and it doesn't take as long as it did during the first week. Also I wrote almost 7,000 words this weekend and that was pretty great.

Goals for this week: I have a test and an outline due on Wednesday and another paper due on Friday so I'm going to try to be okay with the fact that I can take a day off from writing. That's why I've built myself a couple buffer days.

Lessons learned this week: Um...most of my lessons have been about my characters and who they are and how they behave. I don't want to share because I'm hoping this story pans out into something like a book.

Random closing thoughts: Chocolate is still a great motivator but so is getting into the swing of my story. Also, being halfway done two days early was a great feeling. And yes, I am actually at 30,000 words right. I stopped because it worked out that the end of a sentence was at 30,000 and I'm a sucker for any number that's a multiple of 5.

Don't ask me why, I just really like that. We all have our weird things. I also refuse to write in any font other than Garamond (for school papers I switch it to Times New Roman when I'm done) and it has to be on 1.5 spacing.

Random last thought: If you use Microsoft Word, please for the love of every good thing in this world, click on the 'Remove space after paragraph' option under the 'Paragraph' tab. It drives me up the fucking wall when people don't do that. It looks awful and you waste more paper. Just do it. 

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