Monday, October 31, 2016

On the Eve of NaNo WriMo

It's Halloween and I'm home in my sweats, drinking my water, and writing to you lovely people. 

Side note: There should be some law against Halloween ever falling on a Monday. I mean, take pity on the poor parents of kids with sugar-induced stomach-aches who are gonna be up late. 

But anyway. Even if Halloween wasn't on a Monday, I wouldn't be out. Partly because I have no desire to go drinking (it's expensive and I like sleep are the two main reasons) but mostly because tomorrow is November 1.

The official start of National Novel Writing Month and that day is far more significant in my world than Halloween. 

If it wasn't a Monday night, I'd stay up until midnight and get my first 1,667 words done. Alas, it is a Monday night and I'm getting up at 7:00 to go for a run tomorrow before I sit down to start my novel, so there will be no midnight start for me.

I'm perfectly okay with that. But I know I said I'd write weekly updates on here. I like the idea of posting every Monday so here I am, even though it isn't technically November yet. Consistency is sometimes better than accuracy. I don't know if that applies to literally anything else is life but whatever.

I do have a few things to share that are NaNo-related. Here goes:

1. I cranked out an outline a few weekends ago but then last Thursday I scrapped the last six chapters. I redid them and am much happier with how the plot works in the new version.

2. After changing the ending chapters, I realized this story is too big for one book and so I guess this is me announcing that I'm planning to write a duology (that's the new-fangled (and by new-fangled, they didn't have it when I was in elementary school/junior high)) and you should stay tuned for revision complaints on top of revision complaints for Sky & Steel.

3. I have a title! I normally don't title a book until it's written because titles are the bane of my existence. Remember how Black & Gold was 'The Stupid Book' for months? Yeah. But on the NaNo website, you create a little profile for your novel. It includes a synopsis, a genre, a cover if you so choose...and a title. If you don't have a title, it just says Untitled and that is something I cannot stand (thanks to my amazing Advanced Poetry professor.) It took me most of an 8 mile run to come up with this one. This year's NaNo story is called All the World's a Stage.

4. Matt and I are going to WinCo tomorrow to snatch up some discount Halloween candy. My favorite are the chocolate eyeballs that are filled with either fudge, peanut butter, or caramel. Last year I got to eat one every time I wrote 1,667 words and this year I'm repeating that.

5. My homework for the month of November involves a lot of research for 3 final projects. I have one of those research papers due on November 18, which I am not thrilled about, but Thanksgiving break will buffer my word count.

6. My main character is named Jamie Cooper. She is 5'1" and is one of those frighteningly strong yogis. She is nineteen years old and attends a fictional college named Whitmore University in New Hampshire. She's a sophomore with her major undecided. She lives with her best friend, Gwen, in the dorms. 

That's all for now. I'm back to wasting time waiting for it to be bed time so I can wake up tomorrow and write. It's like Christmas morning, but better. 

Happy Halloween!

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