Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sometimes, It's Not That Important

Hello, friends.

This week has not been a good writing week. That happens. This week, I had to prioritize studying for midterms and being a successful college student. 

Have you ever heard the saying "If it's important enough to you, you'll do it no matter what."? (no clue how to accurately punctuate that sentence.)

I certainly have and am guilty of saying a similar variation. Mine comes more along the lines of, "If you want it bad enough, you'll do it."

I am a firm believer in drive and determination and persistence. I believe in making time for the things you love. Writing is one of those things. If I could only have one passion the rest of my life, it would be writing.

That being said, sometimes- sometimes life is more important. This week is a prime example.

No, I didn't get any revision done this week. The only writing I actually did was for my Sensation and Perception midterm. Have I failed at being a writer because I had to say, Right now, school and grades are more important, and leave the Word document closed?

Hell no.

Everything has its time and even the things we love, we sometimes have to put aside. It's okay. It doesn't mean we don't love it or it isn't important to us.

Give yourself permission to prioritize different things at different times. Sometimes, the most important thing for you to do isn't even writing, working on a project, schoolwork, or exercising. Sometimes, it's sitting down with a hot cup of coffee (or tea or hot chocolate) and enjoying time dedicated solely to relaxing.

That being said, November is fast approaching and in spite of the fact that I have three (count them, 3) big final projects (2 of which are for senior capstone style classes) due in December, I am absolutely going to make NaNo a priority.


Aside from my usual reasons, I don't know if law school will allow me the time to do it for the next three years and I want to make the most of my last chance.

More on that coming soon (it's only October 13, I've got time) but for tonight (or today, depending on when you're reading this), I hereby give you permission to do one thing just because you want to.

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